Our solicitor`s office provides legal and consultancy services to medium size towns and small municipalities. Our services cover the area of contractual law, public tenders, labour law and administration law. Last but not least, we can also assist with recovering the liabilities of towns and municipalities in court proceedings, and related execution proceedings (rent, penalties, etc.). Our legal services also cover consultancy services with regard to new legislation with an impact on towns and municipalities. Our solicitor`s office has had much experience with the areas of work stated above and we are interested in developing long-term relationships with municipalities.
Standard legal consultancy services provided by our solicitor`s office mostly cover the following:
- legal assistance with drawing up contracts and legal analysis of contracts
- recovery of receivables including representation in court and execution proceedings
- preparation of legal regulations of the municipality, i.e. generally binding decrees and regulations
- consultancy on new legislation
- preparation of documents for dealing with towns and municipality authorities
- full legal advisory with regard to public tenders